
Friday 20 April 2018


Just south of Twizel we stayed on the banks of the Ohau B Canal. Across the water is the High Country Salmon farm. There was a steady stream of visitors throughout the day.

Looking to the right, across the road, more places where they farm salmon.

Although some of the nights were chilly, the weather while we were here was glorious. All of the photos in this post were taken from within walking distance of our rig.

The view from my office window :)

The sun set the clouds on fire last night.

Today we walked across to check out the salmon farm. It was incredibly busy, although we thought we'd chosen a quiet spell. You can feed the fish for free in this area here.

Looking out over the railing towards where the rig is parked up on the other side of the canal. The colour of the water is amazing.

These ducks look almost fake. They're so close and so still on the azure water. This is the NZ scaup. Also known as the black teal, the scaup are NZ's smallest ducks and only true diving ducks. We watched them dive under the wateras they surfaced, the water beaded and just rolled off them. You'd not know they'd been underwater just seconds before. Hence, no doubt, the saying, "like water off a duck's back"!

And the more common mallard ducks. There were a few of these around too, all hoping for some leftovers from the salmon feeding. Signs instructed people NOT to feed the ducks and the trout. Not that we could see any trout out in the canal! They're supposedly there though, and a lot of fishermen were trying to catch them, but we only saw one person catch a trout and that was too small to keep.

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