
Sunday 17 December 2017

Spraying at Horahora Domain

We stopped overnight at Horahora Domain againthis time there were a lot more campers than last time.

Early in the morning, the Aqua-Ag people arrived with their air boat.

Apparently, as the sign says, today is the day they are scheduled to spray the lake for aquatic weeds.

After loading up the sprayer with herbicide, they were all ready to start.

The harbourmaster and another boat were waiting off shore, ready to assist and keep the area clear.

A soon as it was loaded up, the air boat headed off up the lake, around the corner and out of sight.

As I set off to follow, I noticed the weed along the shore. I imagine this is what they're spraying for. There certainly is plenty of it around.

Not so easy to spot on the water.

A bunch of Canadian geese had spent the night in a quiet spot over the other side of the road.

There was a black swan and three cygnets also enjoying the cooler morning.

Then the rowers arrived.

The harbourmaster raced off to intercept them before they entered the spraying area.

Confusion ensued for a while as the rowers decided what to do.

Their training cut short, they turned around and headed back the way they'd come.

The air boat in action.

Looking back towards where we were camping.

And the geese again. In spite of the hot dry weather over much of the country, it looks beautifully green in this area.

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  1. Lots of action and entertainment at the lake! Love the photos of the swans and geese.

    1. You're obviously a bird fan, Katrina. I am fast becoming one! I enjoy the variety of birds in NZ . . . native and otherwise. And as you would know, often a certain amount of stealth and patience is required to capture them on film! :)


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